Healthcare for UK nationals visiting Spain
Planning on going to Spain on holiday or just visiting for the weekend? Then Healthcare is of the utmost importance. In the below article we have covered how you need to get state healthcare when you’re on holiday or travelling to Spain.
In terms of Healthcare you should have either of the below when you travel to Spain:
- a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
- a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)
- travel insurance withappropriate and adequate healthcare cover
The Most important thing to keep in mind is that an EHIC or GHIC does not replace your travel insurance. It is advised that you should have both before you travel.
What does EHIC and GHIC COVER?
Private treatment is not covered under an EHIC or GHIC.An EHIC or GHIC only covers state healthcare.
Holding an EHIC or GHIC card can get you the necessary medicaltreatment on the same basis as Spanish citizen while you are in Spain. In simple terms, you can get healthcare services at a reduced cost or in some cases even free.
An EHIC or GHIC does not replace travel insurance – which basically means it does not cover everything, such as being rescued from a mountain or medical repatriation. Make sure you have both your travel insurance and your EHIC or GHIC before you travel to Spain.
If you do not have an EHIC, GHIC or provisional replacement certificate (PRC) you may need to pay for your treatment in full.
How to use it
When you visit a doctor or any state hospital in Spain you will need to show your EHIC or GHIC card. YourEHIC or GHIC cardcannot be usedfor private healthcare.
A Couple of tips for when you visit Spain:
- Try and find out what an EHIC covers and does not cover in Spain.
- If you are not fluent in Spanish then you should find an English-speaking doctor.
What do you if you do not have your EHIC or GHIC with you?
A Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) is what you will need to apply for if you are in need of treatment and do not possess your EHIC or GHIC card, or if your card is lost or stolen while you were travelling.
If you have a health condition and you are travelling
Your EHIC or GHIC card only covers treatment that is medically necessary. So if you do have a health condition and you are travelling to Spain then you should buy travel insurance with specific healthcare cover for your condition.
You should also carry any documents related to your health condition orprescriptions or whatever medication that you are taking.
For treatment where you require oxygen or dialysis while you are in Spain then you in all probability you will have to pre-arrange it.
If you have a health condition that requires consuming certain prescribed products such as special food (food containing meat or dairy) for medical reasons. These cannot be carried with you to Spain.
It is highly advised that you speak to your doctor in the UK and clear whatever doubts you have before you travel.
Getting prescriptions
All UK prescriptionare valid in Spain and can be used to get whatever medicines, including the special food required for medical reasons.
Even if you have a prescription the medicines are not free in Spain. If you have an EHIC or GHIC card thenyou get a reduced rate, but you’ll still need to pay:
- At the very least 50% of the prescription price
- If you have a UK State Pension then only 10% of the prescription price ‒ however you will probably need to show proof that you are a pensioner if you want to pay this rate
If you need oxygen therapy during your visit
Oxygen therapy is available with an EHIC or a GHIC card, however, this need to be arranged before you travel.
You must send a written request to The Spanish health authority in the area must be sent a written request that you plan to visit. This needs to be done at least a minimum of one month before you travel.
If you plan on carrying medicine with you to Spain
If you are travelling to Spain and are carrying medicine that is prescribed to you and contains a ‘controlled drug’ then you need to carry a letter proving that the medication is prescribed to you. You will need to show this letter at the border while leaving both the UK as well as Spain
A licence for controlled drugs is required if:
- You plan on staying longer than 3 months
- If you are travelling with more than 3 months’ supply of medication
Travelling to have planned treatment
Your EHIC or GHIC card cannot be used for non-urgent planned treatment. For example, if you’re going abroad to give birth.
How to apply
Follow the links If you need to apply for new UK GIHC card to travel to Spain or need to Renew your EHIC/GHIC card