How to gain more followers on Instagram for free and fast
How to get a lot of real followers on Instagram
To make yourself known in your niche, you need a loyal audience that is willing to listen and see you as an authority. The best way to gain it today is to promote your personal brand on your Instagram account.
And here it is important to avoid the mistake of many who think that millions or tens of millions of followers, like Instagram stars, will be an indicator of their success.
So, before you start promoting your account, answer the first question.
Why do you need so many followers?
It seems like a millionaire account means a lot of likes, reposts, and comments. Which will turn into orders, purchases. No such thing! I run into accounts like that all the time. They are full of bots, those who signed up randomly or on a giveaway wave. There is no activity there or as much as accounts with 10, 20, 30 thousand loyal audiences. And if there’s no difference, why overpay?
You need live subscribers to Instagram, which then become your fans My practice has shown that 10 to 50 thousand is enough.
The second question: who will subscribe to you?
The size of the target audience is determined. Now you need to decide how to gather live subscribers to Instagram. And here it matters their weight and authority. Agree, it is better to have one popular, well-known, influential person in your niche, market segment, than 10 no-names. There is one site where Instagram subscribers are cheap. This service is Lowcostsmm – By the way, there are also favorable conditions for views and likes on videos, posts and publications.
For example, I have Dmitry Portnyagin, Oskar Hartmann, Sergey Kapustin, Igor Kim and Maxim Rogovtsev subscribed to me. They all have their own audiences, and I reach them through them.
You need BPRs, opinion leaders. So write about what would be interesting to these people.
Question three: How do I increase my Instagram followers?
Have you decided how many followers you need? Here are some promotion secrets on Instagram that have worked successfully for me and the students of the Academy of Networking and Personal Brand in 2019.
1. Provoke readers to comment and save
The more there are, the better Instagram algorithms will push your content to the top and more people will see it. And while everything is more or less clear with comments, little is still known about retention. And right now it’s the most important ranking factor for Instagram! So when you plan a post, think about how to make it so that the reader will save it. For example, give information that will be useful over time.
And forget about likes – now the algorithm of promotion in Instagram almost does not take them into account.
2. Forget about a content plan
It is believed that making a content plan for Instagram – something you can’t do without. As practice at the Academy of Networking and Personal Branding has shown, 99% of the time students give it up. Because they are lazy. And the further – the more the plan diverges and what you want to post.
A post that is written on emotion works best. Catch them and write about what is interesting in the moment, give some value, share your opinion. Don’t limit yourself to a strict plan. To avoid descending into chaos, divide all posts into headings: about the field where you work, about hobbies, about something else.
3. Stockpile the posts ahead of time!
You’ve learned how to write posts, and after this article, you’ll probably start posting non-stop on emotion. Then there will be a period when you don’t have ideas, moods, inspiration, or time. And that’s where the materials you prepared earlier will help you out. When you feel inspired, you’ll make five or five posts and pictures to spare.
4. Promote through microbloggers
Look for microbloggers with live subscribers (from 5 to 50 thousand). Make sure there’s an activity in the account. And ask if you can buy ads. It’s simple.
At the time when I am writing this article for you, advertising in stopis works best. It costs from 500 to 1500 rubles, because not everyone has noticed its potential. And many of the microbloggers are not yet slamming prices. Take advantage of this – buy ads from bloggers in Instagram-storis in the format “here’s such a cool expert, he does this and this, subscribe to him.
What goes into storis? When you get a direct message in response to a post. Ask a question, make a mini contest with that answer in mind. Instagram loves direct replies, so it’ll add to your reach and boost your posts.
6. Do live streams.
They’re going great right now, too. You can do them yourself, or you can do them together with someone who is known in a related field. And with whom you have about 2-4 times the difference in subscribers. So you get free new subscribers from this person, and he gets your subscribers. And at the same time, you’ll learn to be confident in front of the camera.
7. PR on TV.
If you participate in shows outside of Instagram, you can turn viewers into traffic. One appearance on TV (especially – federal) can bring you tens of thousands of subscribers.
Any other Instagram tips?
Of course, and not only. If you want to learn how to write posts in Instagram, how to rock your personal brand through other channels, get your business card site, make the first steps to break through to TV and, of course, learn what was the secret number 5, which I missed in this article – sign up, come to my marathon. All the details are in the description.
This method involves you or your assistant actively adding friends, liking and commenting on your target audience’s posts. Many people, when they see that they are subscribed to them, subscribe back. If you are actively liking and commenting, you are showing up in the blogger’s feed, which means you are drawing attention to your page not only from the blogger, but also from everyone viewing the post.
I recommend that my students actively add their target audience as friends. For example, if you are interested in entrepreneurs, you can track them in various communities, chats, VK groups, spar their profile IDs, then collect instagram accounts from their profiles and add them as friends.
Do not forget that when adding to friends, there are restrictions (if these limits are exceeded, you may be banned). If you do it every day, your audience will grow rapidly. For automation, I recommend service Instaplus. By the way, watch a video on how to use it.
How to get 1000 followers in instagram
1. Consistency. This is an important point that many novice Instagrammers forget about. They poured once 20 posts and are waiting for a mountain of followers and likes to fall on them. No, friends, the work should be constant. Every day or several times a day you should publish posts. And for that, it’s a good idea to make a content plan to understand what you’re going to publish today, tomorrow, for the week ahead. Only constant and methodical work will help you to promote your account quickly. The safest and fastest way to buy real followers is through . This way you will immediately see the difference on your Instagram account.
2. hashtags. Hashtags work on Instagram, so be sure to use them. Choose the most popular Russian hashtags-usually names or some common words like #love-and write them under each of your posts.
Then look for untrained accounts under the most popular hashtags and give a couple of likes to their posts, you can also leave comments. Some part of the subscribers will come to you.
3. Reposts and giveaways. Advertising from bloggers reposts from celebrities for money. Yes, this method is not cheap, but it works. Because opinion leaders have a lot of subscribers, and if you manage to get into the feed of a popular person, the number of subscribers will increase dramatically
Contests and giveaways don’t work badly. Make a contest announcement, post a photo with the announcement “win a photo album or a free consultation”. To participate, people have to leave a comment under the photo and list 2 of their friends in it. Friends instantly see this offer, and if you offer something really valuable and creative, they too will become participants.
And this creates a viral effect, and you get more subscribers!
4. interesting visual content. Your content will bring 1,000 followers to instagram in a short amount of time. To differentiate yourself. Make not only useful posts, but also entertaining ones that people will want to share, like, and comment on.
For example, Instagram’s new photo carousel feature allows you to make your posts even more interesting. Check out how creative the guys at budmuzhikomcom got with this feature. They create books like this that you can flip through and read right on Instagram.
5. Ask for likes. You know that likes help you promote your accounts. Your friends’ subscribers see their likes on your posts and click through. So when you post interesting and intriguing content, that’s what you tell your subscribers: continue after 1,000 likes, let’s collect.
6. Commenting on popular accounts will help you reach 1,000 subscribers quickly. So go to the accounts that interest you, where your CA is, comment on the posts. Stand out and you’ll see people go to your page and subscribe and interact with you.
7. Places and events. How do you move quickly on hashtags? Tag places in your city in your photos, and those people who also tagged those places will click through to your page. And after visiting an interesting event, put a hashtag of that event, collect likes from your followers and your photo will get into the most popular photo by that hashtag.
If you have noticed, in this article we dealt with the question of how to gain followers on Instagram without any clicks, but there are also other ways of promotion
A month ago I got a knock from the adult store Their online store is about a year old. But no one was involved in social media. The owners wanted to turn Instagram into a sales channel, so in the middle of August, we set to work.
According to the rules of the social network, it is not allowed to promote goods for adults. I read several cases of those who managed to bypass the ban (they promoted contraception, placed native photos in their ads, etc.). But it’s my luck or the cases are outdated, but now I can’t advertise toys at least three times.
Instagram scans your profile, scans the link to the site, the account description, and doesn’t let ads through. Changing the account description and deleting any slightly explicit photos doesn’t help. It’s impossible to run ads. And I want to have followers and likes. Pushing bots – not an option.
Step 1 – Take pictures of goods. It is important that the pics were maximally live. Intimate stores are a lot of people who do not understand, afraid and embarrassed. Therefore, such stores should be “home”, simple visual and inspire confidence.
Step 2 – write as simple descriptions as possible. They should clearly tell what is in the picture and what it is for. Honestly,, I did not understand at first what some of the toys.
Step 3 – we make video reviews. This is a must for the same trust. The client should know that you are selling something that you test yourself.
Step 4 – we post posts with the most popular items on the site in terms of sales.
Step 5 – go to Like time accounts. They don’t bring the target audience into the account. But they do help to get likes and comments on the posts to make the account seem more alive.
By the way, at the same time, the first interested people began to sign up for the account
Step 6 – selecting bloggers. Offers with gives and advertisements come just in piles. Cheap, expensive, from bloggers-no-names and millionaires. It’s important to select those bloggers whose audience is the most similar to yours in terms of interests, geolocations, age, gender.
Step 7 – ask the tech department to put a banner on your site encouraging you to subscribe to Instagram. In my case, a promo code for a -5% discount is given to the subscriber for subscribing to Instagram.
Step 8 – ask the marketers to prepare a letter. The chain is this: a person buys on the site, 1-3 days pass and they get a message. Like, you bought from us. If you liked it, then stay with us and follow us on Instagram.
Step 9 – we ask the call center to tell the clients that they can get a discount for subscribing to Instagram.
Bottom line: the Instagram account is 2.5 months old. It has over 12,000 followers. It can’t compete with the site in sales yet, but it’s just the beginning.
Have you ever promoted goods that should not be advertised? What methods did you use and did you get results?
Using questions to engage your audience
Some of Nathan’s most popular posts are designed to engage his subscribers. The essence of the tactic used is to ask questions, as shown in the example below.
How to get followers on Instagram without any clicks
For clarity, let’s look at a few examples.
Example 1 – beauty salon.
We have a beauty salon account, on which we will not launch any activities, it will be our main account. Suppose the salon is called – Cleopatra.
Additionally, we create a few more accounts:
- Manicure at Cleopatra
- Pedicure
- Haircuts
- Stylists
All of these accounts are designed in the same style. Ideally, make them in the form of installations, so as not to waste time on the daily posting. We will develop the main account. In the section about myself, we put a link to the main account and a branded hashtag, under which the records are placed only on the main account. Now, those who go to the auxiliary account will see the information and then pure mathematics.
Out of 1000 who we signed up with, 100 will sign up in return and 10 will sign up for the main account. That is the conversion will be approximately 1%.
Accordingly, from 5 accounts we get a conversion of 5%, from 10 accounts – 10%, and so on. Depending on the size of your target audience and the region you are promoting.
Example 2 – a construction company.
The principle is the same and is the same for most commercial accounts. To reinforce the information, let’s repeat it again point by point.
We create the main account of the construction company.
We create a network of additional accounts by type of services: brick houses, houses of timber, cottage construction, design houses, registration of real estate transactions, and so on.
We design all the accounts in a similar style.
Under about me for each profile puts a link to the main account. Figuratively speaking turns out the site, where the main page and pages of services.
Example 3 – Public.
But what about if you’re a blogger or have a thematic public. But here we can make you happy. In your case, everything looks even rosier, because the size of your audience is not limited.
Let’s say you have a “Impressive photos from around the world” public. Simply create sub-publics – impressive photos by countries, places or cities and also make links to the main account. And there can really be a lot of accounts.
If you are a blogger, as additional accounts, you can use your like fakes, fan clubs and other variations. The main thing is to have a link to your profile.
In most services, a large number of accounts would be a problem because of restrictions or additional charges for each. But not in Socialkit, by downloading the program you can work with unlimited accounts!
How to get followers on instagram for free if you don’t have time for traditional ways?
A busy modern person rarely has time to sit in social networks and make comments under other people’s photos. In this case, you need an assistant, preferably one that does not require a penny of money. It may seem fantastic, but such an automated assistant exists!
This program is Brobot, which is presented on our website. Brobot is a unique program, the advantages are:
Downloading the Brobot program from us, you will free a lot of time and get a lot of real subscribers to instagram.
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Send us the cases of your successful projects with BroBot, we will publish it in success stories and we will share the unlimited rate with you!
- sale of goods;
- services;
- publishing content on a topic.
Define your target audience
Determine for yourself personally what will give you a lot of followers on Instagram. What goal you are pursuing by attracting a lot of followers. The main goals that are set on Instagram are:
- sales of goods;
- services;
- publishing content on a topic.
The topic determines the target audience on Instagram. The category of users that your account is aimed at, will depend on the actions for promotion.
Let’s look at three examples.
First. You master tattoos or manicure, hairdresser, etc. Provide services with specific geography of distribution. The goal is to expand the customer base. Not only to gain a lot of subscribers but also to attract those who will use the services, i.e. potential customers. To do this by geolocation gather a base of target subscribers to Instagram – these are people who live in the area within which you work.
Second. Sew toys or paint Christmas tree balls, do scrapbooking, or do other handicrafts. Want to make money on your hobby, sell handmade crafts. The task – to find and recruit subscribers who will buy products. To do this, visit pages of the same subject. Followers of competitors – the target audience.
Third. You want a popular profile or make money from content. The task is to recruit subscribers who will be interested in your publications. Choose the subject of the account. Then look for people – these are Instagram users who are interested in the chosen topic. Look for them on pages with a similar theme.
To attract the attention of your target audience to your Instagram account, provoke users to respond. To do this, after compiling a list of subscribers, start showing yourself on their pages. Subscribe, repost, leave comments (only positive content). Instagram bloggers have proven that, on average, every 100 random likes bring back 10 followers.
What InstaPlus can do
We’ve told you many times what InstaPlus is good for: it interacts with your target audience through likes, unique comments, and subscriptions. In just a few hours you can significantly increase the number of followers.
A good audience is a live audience. And you don’t need the ballast of “dead souls” – users who haven’t been active lately. To get rid of them, InstaPlus developers added the function for blocking inactive subscribers. You can also easily unsubscribe from reciprocal and nonreciprocal subscribers and cross out everyone you’ve found using InstaPlus.
Video with a description of the methodology, how to gain the first 1000 followers in Instagram for free, by yourself without bots and without any narrator, how to lead your Instagram from scratch to get more likes, comments and followers.
And what do you think, there was an unforeseen problem. No, of course, I knew it was easy to get blocked on likes and subscriptions on a new account, well I just went a little overboard. Exactly one day later on the new account, Instagram blocked my likes and subscriptions, and here began the fun part!
More useful stuff on the site: who unsubscribes from Instagram.
Inertial subscriptions
But the subscriptions with likes did not stop, not on the third day, not on the fifth, and not even after a week! And this, by the way, is not a developed account with content, but a brand new and empty account with just a few pictures. When there is similar activity on the old account, if it is not touched for a week or a month, then – it is normal.
So, when I was banned from likes and subscriptions, and I was unable to continue to show their activity, I started to act like and subscribe to me by those people who have been shown my account, and then it was a matter of technology: the correct design of the profile with an appeal to subscribe, similar content with similar hashtags and our mutual desire with these people to gain mutual subscribers!
The puzzle came together, on the blocked account subscribers have been subscribing every day on their own without my intervention for more than a week!
The 5 best books on attracting subscribers to Instagram
A list of popular literature about Instagram and successful work on its expanses.
- The phenomenon of Instagram. 2.0. All the new tricks. Creator: Lubov Soboleva.
- Instagram Administrator. A guide to making money. Creators: Dmitry Kudryashov, Evgeny Kozlov.
- Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy. Creator: Lilia Nilova.
- How to promote a blog on Instagram tips, trends, life. Creator: Aliona Hilt.
- Instagram: I want followers and likes. Creator: Indy Gogojia.
The authors of these books are active users of the social network followers on Instagram. There are hundreds of thousands of people subscribed to their accounts. Beginners will probably find the experience described in this literature useful.