Tips to Augment Your Productivity During Your Job
First of all, let’s define productivity and to do this we use Wikipedia: “In economics, productivity can be defined as a first approximation as the ratio between the quantity of output and the weighted average of the inputs used in the production process. It is calculated with reference to the individual company, the production sector, or, more generally, the nation.”
In this case, we are talking about improving the productivity of the single individual and of the group (input) in relation to a specific activity required to achieve a specific goal.
Some softwares, such as Performance management tools can help you achieve more proficiency.
In this article, I will pause to introduce you to the elements that intrinsically affect human resources and on which you can work to improve their productivity. This means that I do not focus on external improvements (for example digital transformation) to improve the productivity of each individual or group but on the internal resources of each collaborator.
The reference macro-areas are:
- professional growth
- team motivation
- time management
Professional Growth
To achieve professional growth in the company, it is necessary to go through two fundamental phases that are not consecutive but tend to alternate throughout the period.
- Develop self-empowerment
- Develop the career plan
- Self-empowerment
- Career plan
To achieve the objectives it is not enough to have goodwill and determination, often a real strategy is needed.
For a correct development of the professional project, defining the professional goal is necessary, but not sufficient; it is necessary to identify the stages to be crossed, the tools and means to be used to achieve this goal.
It is also useful to provide moments of verification and evaluation.
Take the first step in making a change. Find out how to achieve professional well-being through a path of self empowerment and find out how your company can maximize its turnover by achieving organizational well-being!
Motivation of the team
Anyone who is able to manage a work group every day knows how difficult it is not only to achieve significant results but also just to work together. Very often one encounters selfishness, conflict and even a lack of personal gratification and motivation. All this can create a lack of productivity that is very dangerous for the company; at the same time, however, a motivated work group can reach very high levels of productivity.
How to manage staff and motivate employees
It is important to clearly define the role of each individual employee within the work team
The employee must understand what your responsibilities are towards:
- of himself
- of team members
- of the company
The collaborator must understand what is the goal to be achieved:
- personal
- of the team
- of the company
The collaborator must understand what the boundary is between the actions he can carry out independently and which ones he must carry out in a group. The team leader needs to promote the creative thinking of each individual employee by raising skills and abilities.
How to motivate a workgroup
- Activate communication between team participants
- All members of the group can express their beliefs (exercise of divergence)
- Create synthesis: identify the points in common between the beliefs of individuals (exercise of convergence)
- Interrupt the speaker only if you are sure that it brings benefits
- Use writing as a tool for gathering convictions and synthesis
- Stimulate collaboration between team participants
- Stimulate creative thinking through free association
This is we think how you can be more producitive and efficient during your business activities.