Safety Tips for Dating Sites
Online dating is gaining popularity around the world. You can enjoyeverything from casual hookups to long-term dating. Everyone can findexcellent options for virtual relationships! Well, the growing interest in online dating has also made it a juicy target for cybercrimes. Most use various software and psychological vulnerabilities for malicious intents. Some cyber attackers have leverage for online abuse and blackmail. That said, you can use some general tipsto stay safe while surfing the Internet in search of your match!
Use Reputable Sites & Keep Chat there!
Earlier it was problematic to find a partner for the LGBTQ community or for related interests (among random passers-by in the street, you can rarely find a tea ceremony fan or a ping-pong fan).Online dating has changed everything.
Now it is enough to enter a correct query into Google. However, you should not rush to the first dating site you’ve found in search of new acquaintances. Let’s go back to the dating site example. It is worth making sure that such a site as loveaholics really understands and satisfies the needs of users. For example, take a look at the registration form. Registration for gay usually is not provided on such site, which means that the audience will be as targeted as possible. Choose the safest site if you are looking for dates or meetings to make your fantasies and wishes come true.
Depending on what interests you, choose a site dedicated not only to sex, but also to love and compassion. Some popular sites are based on age. Others use a marriage status as the main filter.Inother words, there are options for everyone! It is wise to pick a site you can trust to help do some background checks on the people joining. It will help you stay safe.
Remember, some cybercriminals will also tend to want to take conversations off the dating websites. If you are getting to know someone on a dating site and they keep insisting that you take your communication to email or instant messaging, you may want to run for the hills. That is a possible red flag that the person has malicious intent. It is safer to keep chatting on the website.
Protect Your Passwords
Passwords can be the strongest or the weakest links in internet security. Of course, we love to use passwords that are easy to remember. There is a caveat to that, though. It also makes it easier for cybercriminals to crack them!
Well, try to be careful that you do not reuse passwords across the different dating sites. Create long, complex passwords for all your accounts. The passwords should not be related to your birthday, pet name, or other easily identifiable factors. Admittedly, it can be a challenge remembering complex passwords for all the different online accounts. You can go for a password manager to store and hash the passwords for security reasons. You can also go the extra mile by using multi-factor authentication to ensure online security.
A two-factor authentication(2FA) can help keep yourdetails secure. Perhaps, you can add an email notification as an extra layer of security before any login. It will protect sensitive or intimate messages on your online dating account.
Avoid using yourpersonal phone number!
Try to avoid giving out your primary phone number to people you meet on these dating sitesas much as possible. Your phone number could be linked to SMS 2FA, social engineering attacks aimed at your mobile provider. If you have only one phone number, you could consider getting a disposable line to use for dating and other unimportant things. Alternatively, you could use one of online services that offer their voicemail or phone number.
Avoid linking your dating profile with your social media
Linking your dating profile to your social media could cause your data to be open to scrutiny or theft. You may have done an excellent job in locking down your dating profile. But it beats the purpose when your dating profile has links to your Facebook where there is a myriad of information about you or your loved ones.
It is okay to stalk a little
Before going on a date with anyone you meet on the internet, it is good practice to apply some “Google-Fu.”Do some due diligence and search more about your prospective date. You may uncover some red flags that you would have otherwise not known. Search their profile photo using Google Image or any other services available to see if it has been taken from somewhere. You never know. Don’t be a victim of a catfishing attempt!
Use a good Antivirus tool
You are always in danger of malware and other common breaches as you surf online. This is why you need the right tools to protect yourself. A good antivirus can help protect against common threats
Tip: Ensure that your applications and operating system are up to date. It will help you avoid common attacks that target software flaws.
Final Remarks
Dating can bring a roller coaster of emotions. Add the internet to that, and it gets exciting but also a bit difficult. Online dating is one way to meet new people, but you ought to be careful! Knowing how to stay safe online is vital in ensuring that you do not fall prey to scammers and people with malicious intentions.