International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Various errors and failures occur every day in the plant field. However these errors have been managed manually by field inspector. In this paper, we present a design and implementation of a field inspection management system based on wireless sensor networks. This system works on a portable embedded device. To develop the field inspection management system, we analyzed work tasks and process in the plant field. In addition, we propose security measures for preventing information stealing and alteration in the embedded system. Through this system, we can manage effectively error information collected in the field.
Recently the prevalence of portable devices such as smartphone or tablet PC has increased rapidly. These portable devices are called embedded systems and designed to serve specific tasks. Almost all embedded systems come with compact size, so users are able to use them as additional parts of other devices or construct specific applications with them. However, due to increasing the processing speed of microprocessors and the amount of flash memory or SDRAM, embedded systems can accomplish more complex program. Also due to the advent of database management systems for embedded system, embedded system is able to install database management system and play the role of secondary server. Meanwhile, the new and rapid development of ubiquitous technology is expected not to be confined in specific area but to spread to every part of human life and initiate changes. In ubiquitous environment, various sensors are spread out around us and these sensors collect environmental information such as temperature, humidity, and illumination. Also, a person’s current location can be estimated using ZigBee wireless communication.
In the plant field, various errors and failures occur every day. These are described manually and record process has several problems. So, this paper analyzes work tasks and process in the plant field and develops a field inspection solutions management system based on sensor network.
In this section, we briefly describe some of the background and related work necessary for the rest of the paper.
The Analysis of Work Environment and Process
To develop the field inspection management system, we analyzed work tasks and processes in the plant field. Various errors and failures occur every day in the plant field. In general, these errors and failures can be verified through field inspection and are recorded in the handbook. After the field inspection, come back to the office and access to the information system through login. And then enter information such as the errors, edit a report using word processor, and finally print a report.
First, the status information of a particular location cannot be verified in real time. This status information includes temperature, humidity, and environmental information of device or location. Second, the error in the field cannot be entered immediately. Third, after returning to the office, the content information recorded in handbook must be entered in the system again.
In this paper, in order to improve these problems, we focus on the following points and develop the system.
First, the status information of a particular location is identified in real time.
Second, the portable device is used to enter the error immediately at the field.
Third, the information entered at the field is passed directly to the system.
To do this, we use portable embedded device and develop a field inspection management system, which can collect status information using wireless sensor networks technology and manage error information.
Management System
There are many types of equipment in the power plant, the equipment is in operation 24 hours, and a large or small problem is occurring. These problems are discovered through field inspection and by solving these problems the power plant can operate safely. In this paper, to facilitate the existing record process in the power plant, we develop a field inspection management system based on embedded systems and wireless sensor networks. Embedded devices have the advantage of being easy to carry. As a result of this characteristic, these devices are not to be used in restricted areas, so critical data stored on the devices may be stolen or altered by external or unauthorized people. In addition, we propose security measures for preventing information stealing and alteration in the embedded system.
The architecture of the proposed system is illustrated. We install embedded Linux in flash memory because a hard disk does not exist in the embedded system. Embedded Linux is compact and slim. Also SQLite is installed to store and manage status and error data as DBMS. A field inspection management system is developed using Qt graphics library to operate on TFT/LCD. A field inspection management system consists of information management module, status information collection module, error input module, and security module.