How To Save Videos From Twitter
On social media you can occasionally find the most intriguing and uncommon videos. In contrast to some WhatsApp forwards, you should probably save these videos. However, it is not to save videos from apps like Instagram and Twitter.
The past two weeks have seen a lot of videos on Twitter, ranging from numerous demonstrations in favour of the Black Lives Matter movement to the opposite end of the spectrum: adorable dog footage and goofy antics. I started looking into how to do this after a colleague enquired whether it was possible to store these films on a phone or laptop for future reference or share them with loved ones outside and get started the Twitter bubble.
The platform is infamous for making it challenging to download videos. Therefore, if you want to post a video, you usually have to share the entire tweet with it. You can certainly record your screen, save the recording, cut it into a clip, and then save it that way. But that’s a lot of steps, and you won’t always get the results. But there is an alternative. In 2021, Statista estimated that there were around 430 million active Twitter users worldwide.
Twitter started as a social networking platform where users may publish 140-character-long entries known as tweets. According to Business Insider, it is now “a communication hub for photographs, videos, audio samples, and more.”
How to preserve videos from Twitter
While saving images from Twitter with only a few taps, it’s a different story for videos and GIFs. There isn’t a built-in download button for videos on Twitter’s platform. Even though that is unfortunate, downloading videos from Twitter is not impossible.
How to Download Twitter Videos to a Computer
It’s easy to watch and share videos on Twitter. It was impossible to download them to a computer, mobile device, or tablet. As a result, users are to find other ways to save their favourite Twitter films. The simplest option is downloading on a computer, which doesn’t need any additional software installed.
Twitter video downloads to your computer
Once you’ve configured Download Twitter Videos, search for a tweet that includes the video you want to download using the Twitter app. Select Copy link to Tweet or Share Tweet after tapping the share icon. If you copied the link, exit the Twitter application, go to Download Twitter Videos, and then put the URL there.
In the share options, if you choose Share Tweet, look for and select the Download Twitter Video app icon. The video will then start downloading in the background of the app.
Open the app and choose the video you wish to watch to view your downloaded videos. After that, you can save it to your Photos app, share it via another app, or store it in the cloud.
How to download Twitter videos
Downloading a video from the website is a little trickier than you might expect, much like saving a GIF from Twitter.
Twitter does not have a save video button users who want to download any films posted on the site must use third-party services.