How to provide medical services online
In the current, pre-catastrophic situation, one of the ways for a medical organization to support their patients is to provide remote medical assistance through online consultations.
Remote reception of patients through modern means of communication (messengers and online communicators) raises a number of legal questions, namely: how to confirm the identity of the patient, obtain informed voluntary consent from him to receive medical care, and, most importantly, how to keep medical confidentiality?
Personal Websites or online doctor consolation websites can help doctors to provider their useful services to the needy patients. You can easily create an online website to provide your healthcare services to the customers. While creating a website, you should also use or enable Patient engagement chatbot on your website to resolve your patients queries.
You must understand that no modern means of communication, including the popular Skype messengers. Viber, Votsap, do not guarantee either the reliable identification of your interlocutor, or the secrecy of your conversation, and this entails risks of administrative, criminal and civil liability.
Modern legislation provides for the only legal possibility of remote delivery of medical care – through the use of medical telecommunication technologies.
There are two aspects of providing medical care online: technical, namely, connecting to the MIS and entering the Federal Register of Medical Workers and the Federal Register of Medical Organizations in a private medical organization and its doctors, which in any case must be done and legal, namely, receiving from the patient IDS, consent to the processing of personal data, conclusion of an agreement for the provision of medical services.
However, legal issues related to the conclusion of the contract and obtaining the necessary consent from the patient are resolved immediately after the medical organization provides the identification of the user (patient). This is carried out in accordance with paragraphs. A, clause 46 of Order No. 965n, using a unified identification and authentication system, that is, through the State Service website.
By allowing the technical one with user identification, it becomes easier to solve legal issues in the provision of medical services, namely: IDS, consent to the processing of personal data can be issued by accepting the medical organization proposed on the website. Even a contract for the provision of medical services can be concluded by accepting its terms and filling out a special form on the website of a medical organization. And this will not contradict paragraph 16 of section IV of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2012 N 1006 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations”, since in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. The written form of the transaction is also considered to be complied with if the person concludes the transaction using electronic or other technical means,
To read about eldritch blast 5, please click this. A number of requirements for information that must be posted on the website of a medical organization providing services through telemedicine technologies, including: Information about the organization itself, its license, regulatory authorities, a list of profiles for providing medical care using telemedicine technologies , an organization that is an operator of other information systems, a consultant doctor, and so on.