Black Friday is great for retailers, thanks to tryptophan.
Well, in 2021, Black Friday was available to retailers. Preliminary results show that sales were up 7.7% from 2010. Retailers admit they were young this time around, but sales were strong even during the initial turmoil. There are many stories where people run to the shop and sprinkle donkey and pepper in the eyes of other shoppers. In one case, someone fell and later died, and no buyer stopped to help them. And yes, it was a symbolic shoot – I think it was in San Leandro, California this year.
Have you ever wondered how Black Friday works and how it happens that retailers sell 35 to 60% of the volume of the year on this day? Well, I have an idea, and yes, it does with all the advertising, marketing, and sales that are on offer. But it also has to do with the fact that the turkey eaten on Thanksgiving is loaded with L-tryptophan. It is an amino acid that makes you tired. So, if you brainwash someone, the technique you will use will be sleep deprivation or lack of sleep.
Well, if L-tryptophan is exhausting someone and their overburdened digestive system is using all their energy, they won’t be able to resist the hype of consulting sales, or marketing that all the media has. Types are surrounded, wherever they go. Even if they stay at home, they can buy something online. vinyl flooring black Friday deals online sales increased 17%, from Thanksgiving to Friday before Thanksgiving in 2011 to Friday and Friday and Friday after Thanksgiving. Because? Can L-tryptophan work? I think so, and while there aren’t many studies on it, I don’t see how it can be a factor.
In other words, you should probably eat steak, chicken, fish, or meat in addition to turkey on Thanksgiving so that you can think through your marketing and make wise shopping decisions when shopping for Christmas gifts. If you are not sure what I am saying, ask yourself after Thanksgiving if you are tired and if you are tired the next day. It is possible that you because you are human, are affected by an amino acid called L-tryptophan. There is no escape, this is how your life system works.
I hope you think about it and think about it. I also hope that you will make wise decisions when buying products and gifts for your family and friends so that you can get the best deal possible. So, next time before you go out and shop on Black Friday, get some sleep and try not to overcook the turkey.