Benefits of speed optimization for a website
Many website owners are so preoccupied with what they think users want that they overlook the fundamentals of what makes using the internet so popular — speed. While some business owners are creating elaborate user interfaces (UIs) full of large graphical elements, slides, music, etc., their customers are bouncing elsewhere because the sites took too long to load. Do not let this happen to you.
Web Page Speed Optimization
Web page speed optimization should be a top priority for any website owner. The speed of your site dramatically impacts your site’s SEO (search engine optimization) and bounce rate. Bounce rates are calculated as the number of single-page sessions of zero-second duration divided by the total number of page sessions on your website. As you can see, a high number of zero-second page hits means that people aren’t waiting for your site to load before they leave.
Google provides a tool called PageSpeed Insights that allows you to see how it regards your website’s page optimization speed. It doesn’t matter what other tools may indicate (such as those provided by your web host) because it’s these results that determine how Google calculates page rank for SEO.
Page Load Speed Optimization
For successful page load speed optimization, you should review the following factors:
Unoptimized images
• File size minification
• Web host efficiency
• The use of apps, such as Flash
• Overly complicated themes and designs
• Embedded media such as videos being pulled from another site
• Heavy widget usage
All of the above can negatively impact your page speed, especially embedded media and unoptimized images. Where you host your website matters as well since all hosts are not created equal. Cheap web hosting can cost you money in terms of speed.
Mobile Page Speed Optimization
Since many people use their phones exclusively for web browsing, mobile page speed optimization is very important. Remember, mobile pages are considered separately for SEO results. Your site’s mobile pages do not automatically inherit the main site’s SEO ranking. Users searching on mobile devices have their page rank calculated separately based on the site’s mobile page speed rather than the main website’s page speed.
This means that website owners need to pay just as much attention (if not more) to their mobile site’s speed. As the use of mobile search continues to grow at an exponential rate, the consumer demand for information in the blink of an eye also increases. Searchers demand instant gratification, and to deliver that, your mobile website’s pages must be optimized.
All the elements listed above are just as important for the mobile version of your site as they are for the main version. Altering the theme or design of your mobile site might just be key to improving its performance.
Website Page Speed Optimization
A website page speed optimization strategy should be developed and adhered to as additional pages are added to your company’s website. There should be standards in place that guide your designers on how to optimize images, the rules for using embedded media, and widget and plug-in use. For more information, you can meet the founders of it. co.
If you host your site, your website developers should pay careful attention to server speed, API usage, and caching. These factors are often referred to as “technical SEO” because they exist behind the scenes and are not part of the visually apparent parts of your website.
Think about your browsing habits. If you would not wait around for a page to load, why would you expect your customers to do so? They would not either. That’s why it’s vital to understand that every customer who bounces from your site is potentially a lost sale. So website optimization is really important.