Advancements in Solar Technology: What’s Next for Photovoltaic Systems?
Modern times require modern developments. With solar energy, we can say we’ve gotten our fair share of innovations. However, it doesn’t end there; conscious efforts have been and continue to be put in to ensure we get the best out of this energy form.
So, what next for photovoltaic systems? What are the improvements to look forward to moving on? We’ve consulted with the experts at The solar Co, to gather to best insider tips.
A Boost in Solar Efficiency
The amount of sunlight that’s absorbed by solar cells and converted into usable energy gives a good measure of their efficiency. As time goes on, efforts are constantly put in to ensure this efficiency only goes up. This is done through the incorporation of new tools and systems that help solar panels better harness solar energy.
Now we have solar tracking systems that help solar panels keep up with the dynamic angle of the sun as the earth rotates.
The Advent of Solar Storage
Before improvements were made to solar technology, the biggest problem was storage. Since the sun’s energy can’t be accessed at night, it was incredibly difficult to store solar energy. That meant that at night or during periods of no sunlight, solar energy was a no-go area.
Thankfully, advancements in the field have yielded the development of solar plants. These were all designed to store solar energy collected during the day in batteries. As a result, solar energy has been made more reliable and accessible.
More Innovation
The modernisation of solar energy also comes with a wide range of innovative ideas. In other words, we’ve opened the path to newer and better forms of tapping into the gift of the sun. An example of the innovation brought about by solar energy improvements is the development of solar-powered cars.
The ability to recharge your vehicles with solar panels is a welcomed development. It further takes us to our goal of a cleaner, greener environment and at the same time, you get more juice on your car for longer drives.
Another sign of advancement in the field is the development of printable solar panels. No jokes here, you can now print out solar cells that are more flexible, lightweight, and portable. This innovation makes it easier to incorporate solar energy into more aspects of our life.
The Advent of Modern Materials
Almost all solar panels are made with silicon but recent advancements suggest that we’ll be seeing newer, more energy-efficient panels. Take for instance, the use of perovskite solar cells was incorporated in the mid-2010’s.
Though it didn’t match up to silicon in terms of viability, it still made its mark in terms of efficiency. Even solar panel installers like The Solar Co are adopting modern techniques.
Wrapping Up
We live in a modern society prone to evolution and innovation. As time goes by, we get to explore more of these developments in the solar power industry. Solar energy has proven to be a useful tool for improved quality of life. So it only makes sense we develop and adopt better ways of generating this form of energy.