11 Tips for Effective Programmer Work
We have published general and practical tips related to the profession of a programmer. We will share some effective suggestions that are worth applying while working to improve your apps and programs efficiency as well as they will boost your performance. The very first thing is using a reliable Software testing company to test your newly developed programs.
Tips for Developers and Programmers
1. To work effectively, you need peace and quiet, or at least not annoying background sounds. While writing the code, I regularly watch TV, but I can always turn it off if it interferes with my concentration. If you like music playing in the background, you can visit the free site musicForProgramming – there are collected special music mixes for programmers.
2. In my personal experience, working hungry is not a good idea. However, working on a full stomach is even worse.
3. It is necessary to thoroughly master one programming language , as well as have a general understanding of several others .
4. Skills and abilities that go beyond just programming can also be useful: science and mathematics, finance and design, film and music. You will face challenges that go beyond your purely professional skills, so be prepared for this.
5. Provide yourself with the tools that will enable you to work quickly and maximize your efficiency. This is very frustrating when you have to compile and upload your code to the server on a bad internet connection.
6. Learn to correct your own mistakes. Linus Torvalds wrote Linux and Git because he wanted to fix things that he was not happy with in his work. When you create a product that you yourself plan to use in the future, then you will perceive working on it in a completely different way.
7. Visual feedback is important. Writing a code “blindly” is like playing chess where the player is not looking at the board. Undoubtedly, the best chess players can afford it, but why do you need it? In fact, seeing exactly how your code works can greatly speed up the development process and fix bugs, and also save you from playing the guessing game.
8. Try to get adequate sleep , give up alcohol and drugs, and exercise regularly. Your mind, psyche and energy level all affect how clearly you can concentrate and work effectively.
9. Find open source projects in which you can contribute. Create an account on github and join some public project. Engage in coding not only as part of your work – make it your hobby, improve this skill.
10. If possible, try to choose a place for work in which you will be comfortable and not disturbed. This will help you focus on the task and not be distracted by unnecessary details.
11. Place a teddy bear, toy duck, or any other toy you like on your desk. When you get stuck on a problem, tell this toy about it. No, really, just describe this problem as you would tell about it to a person who does not understand this area at all and does not know anything about it. When you speak out loud about the essence of the problem, you will most likely get to the source of the problem. If the plush toy method doesn’t work, try the same thing on a living person.